The one you see is the correct one for your drive and computer.
Next, edit the GUEST.INI file. Find the line with that driver. Copy that line and paste it into the CONFIG.SYS file. Then modify the line for loading.
What you import may be:
aspi=aspippm1.sys /info file=nibble.ilm speed= 1
change this to:
devicehigh=c:\iomega\aspippm1.sys /info file=nibble.ilm speed= 1 /info
The /info displays the setting when the driver loads. This optional tag can help you see if the device loaded properly.
Now you must RENAME or DISABLE the "GUEST.INI". I change the name to GUEST.INN.
When you boot the computer, the driver will be loaded in HIGH MEMORY. The GUEST.EXE will be executed the same as it was before. You can add LH before it to load it to HIGH MEMORY as well. The whole loading process goes faster as it does not have to test for the correct driver.
TIP: When you are loading a ZIP drive along with other devices such as a CDROM drive, the sequence they are loaded in can determine whether they are both able to be loaded into High Memory. If GUEST.EXE is loading in Conventional Memory and MSCDEX.EXE is loading in High Memory, loading Guest first may result in both being loaded High. When drivers are loaded, they need more memory while loading than they use once installed. If you load a driver that has a "Low Overhead" (using no more than it needs) after one that has a "High Overhead", there will be enough available memory while the driver is loading.
If MSCDEX.EXE needs 20kb but has an overhead of 25kb, and Guest needs 20kb but has an overhead of 40kb, if you loaded GUEST.EXE first in 50kb of memory, there would be 30kb left for MSCDEX.EXE which only needs 25kb to load. If MSCDEX.EXE is loaded first, you still have 30kb free. But guest needs 40kb to load. So it will load Low.